Flute Music

From Past two weeks, there's been a new addiction in my life
Sometimes, I stare out of my room's window, and look at
those illuminated stars, that shine on us from distance greater
than one can imagine, then by midnight there's someone in the neighborhood,
a flute musician, he plays his flute like eternal tune of the heart.
And for the next hour, I totally devote myself tuned to the Flute Music.

It's an open chapter that music is the biggest medicine, that one can get,
and this flute music, it seems like sound of wisdom under the light of moon.

There was a poem by the great poet Rabindranath Tagore, where he describes,
how the "Raag Bhairavi" played on flute by Kanta babu, used to soothens
the pain and grief of the junior clerk. The damped and dark room of that
clerk used to get composed with vibrant colors, with the flute music.
Music gave him a reason to survive, and deface some moments of his life.

Such things exist on my side,there's something special in his tunes
the tune as if tells me, that, the worst is over,
and I can breathe again.
Amidst the midnight, there's nothing in between his tones and me,
the only sound of crackers intervening my pleasure, telling me
that the festival of lights is nearby, destroys my isolation.
I know on that particular day, his music will fade away,
and even if he plays the flute, his music won't be audible to me.
But music never dies.

In the End, spare some time, for this website, devoted to Music.



  1. Mozart  

    October 27, 2008 at 11:17 PM

    The so-called healing touch of music lies in Raag Bilawal as far as I am concerned. I simply love when it is played. Doesn't matter whether I play it on key board,flute,harmonica or mandolin, it sounds full of zest to me. Its tune brings me back to life. And yeah, author is pretty right in saying that music never dies. I want me to be remembered by my music when I'm gone.I don't want a re-birth once it happens. Music be with all of us :)

  2. Anonymous  

    February 26, 2009 at 7:04 PM

    damn you :-D