Pointless Post

I don't know what forced me today, something strong.
I wanted to be as isolated as possible, but I knew something,
the more I'll try to be be ruined, the more I'll be thinking of her.
Life's like that, and as Karin said, life is pointless.
Writing such an article at this moment is pointless.

If you're reading this , my sincere thanks to you.

Past two weeks for me have been just a mirror of life,
eventhough I've no strong reasons to feel happy and adored,
still I'm trying to find a smile within the silver shine of moon.

Am I turning insane ? a friend said today, that I'm turning
Pyscho, I know they are not the first signs, but I've no regrets
for this, maybe I'm rather enjoying the new face of mine
or maybe 'm addicted to it. On the lines of Syd Barrette, I wanna
be Psychedelic , no more of this world, but how can I leave those
whome I care, love and respect.

This blog was never intended for such an article,
but don't know why, an unknown field forces me to publish this
article, I was working on 3-4 articles which I'll release in the
upcoming dates, including 2 tributes.

Past 50 hours have been a lucid phenomenon, I lost my love,
I reconciled with a friend, and stories that are just sine wave
are coming to me, maybe dad will undergo another surgery in ankle,
my best friend suffering from pox, and how can I forget Supriya da.

To be frank, I've never been such daring,expressing my grief and
emotions has never been a strong side of me, but this life of bits
and bytes has given so much to me, it brought me friends, and home
away from home, it gave a platform to me to fill the colors in my lines.
Maybe the writer-poet within me has re-incarted.

Sorry for writing such a stupid article, but I don't know why
words are flowing from my pen without any editing or pause

PS: Vivek bhaida go on, you've a road in front of you
Isha di, love you.


  1. egunda  

    October 4, 2008 at 1:34 AM

    listening my first comment on this blog and listening to "ring my bells" at maximum possible volume on my system's headphone.. dont know why .. but was feeling a bit "hollow" inside me.. then saw the post of supriya.. yeah .. its ankit's Birth day.

    life is sine wave.. thank god its not a tan wave. ups and downs are part of it..

    thanks for remembering me in this post bro. God bless you.. hamesha :-)

  2. Unknown  

    October 4, 2008 at 1:44 AM

    ab agli post kya next year aaegi ((-:

  3. Anonymous  

    October 6, 2008 at 8:20 PM

    Haha, it made me smile :D:D:D
    It made me look kind of depressive, but thats not true :D
    I have to talk to you and try to make you happy, Ankit :D

    It was really funny :D:D:D:D:D