The Power of Dream

It was just another night and there was I, standing all alone. Had no idea for the reason I was staring at the darkness, all my memory was black and blank. Trees all around, and panorama of nothing. I started kicking my footsteps toward that boulevard and it was getting darker every moment. Deep in the forest where, lies no place for memories, well everything was looking just the same, but still I was walking. I never knew what beholds inside for they can’t speak and amidst that darkness was a silent night. The only source of light was that lunatic sphere at the archway, but its light was diminishing as if the moon was falling into some black hole of outer space, like never before.

Melancholy everywhere, all I could feel was pain, hindering the leisure of the so filtered silver light from the moon. There among the bushes I saw a woman, with wens all over her face, she was definitely looking waned, and she had an aquiline nose like they do portray witches on motion screens. All she was doing out there was to dance, and cry in a voice that I couldn’t hear. She was wailing like a parade of falling rain, was she crying for her lust? , but no one was there to stop her, for she was just an illusion of my imagination. It was really a hard lack to find warmth, coldness creeping inside me .

I had to obliterate my fear, for I can’t standstill out there with that chilling bone effect. Was she just like a mirage in that darkness? Or was it inside me? , too confused, everything was just pejorative to the other. Lupines would have been the last thing that I’d have wanted at that time.

So I was still walking through the meter tall grass, than after sometimes I came across an old shattered place, now what I really wanted was to go home and sleep in my mother’s arm, what was I doing?

Yeah! I could see that, I can see the fire at distance, somebody’s out there for me, yeah I’m gonna be saved by someone. So first time in this dark night, I was running, my feats were not touching the ground. The more closely I paced, the more relieved I was feeling, for I could see silhouettes of many from that distance. They were chanting, singing and burbling in their own voices.

The next thing that I saw was just unbelievable, how could this be possible on earth? I could see everyone out there, every single face was known, all my friends whether in past or in present, were gathered out there. There I can see that bunch of nerdy friends; maybe they’d be discussing another set of problems or would have been commenting on some teacher, like we used to do in those golden summer days. Friends who are not with me anymore; friends who left me; the ones whom I left; all my friends from the cyber world. I could see Arsalan, Vivek and Supriya together, bhaida with his usual signature smile. I was also detecting some unknown faces, but from a corner of my heart I knew their names, Sypko, Evil, Sandeep, Abbas and few more. Aha, there were those three chaps Apoorv, Aakansha, Aru ; everlasting triple A battery of my life. And was I missing the limelight? Well no ,for Piyush, Sidharth, Asma, Renan everyone was out there. Every single person was out there, Dev, Harshit, Anirudh, Bhavik, Mushtaq, Karin, Camilo, philosopher Nilanjan.

Hey folks! I’m here, why don’t you pay attention to me? Gosh they cannot hear my voice. And there was she, smiling like everbefore . I knew she was watching me, she can always feel my presence. I wanted to greet her, tell her that sometimes I do really miss her, wanted to give her a warm hug. And as I started approaching toward her, I heard a humming sound, like folks of bees moving in our direction, the sound was amplified every second, what was happening? Argh, back in real life.

It was the crappy cellphone kept on the study table that was vibrating in silent mode. What the fuck, such a shame of having such a tragedy with such a dream. The time was 2:37 AM, and I knew the name of the only person who could have called me at that time. The screen was flashing incoming call of ROY ( Apoorv ). I picked up the call.


“Hi Brother, maine ek sapna dekha, I was in a big hall and there were all people that I had met in my life, all my relatives, friends…………… “

And so he was narrating his dream, and I was left dumbfounded, was it just a dreamer’s paradox? What a co-incidence.


  1. Anonymous  

    February 14, 2009 at 11:32 PM

    I am Speechless :|

  2. Anirudh  

    February 20, 2009 at 6:42 PM

    I also don have words to say :|